Monthly Archives: September 2012

Are YOU Smarter than a Fifth Grader?

Basically, this is how I feel 98% of the time. Seriously. If only I were as smart now as I was in 5th grade. It’s absolutely ridiculous!
But, I love working at CLS and being in these kids lives. It’s such a life changing experience, and shows me how much I LOVE teaching. It’s an adventure every day, and I just wish I had my license … Like yesterday! I just can’t wait!

Being a Help

Well friends, 

It’s been a week of me living in the life of a part time teacher. It has its challenges, the students can be challenging, and not only can you be frustrated, but they can be frustrated as well! So far though, I’ve loved EVERY minute of interning at CLS, in the fifth grade. All of the students are so much fun to talk to, and they love having me help them. Even on my first day none of them wanted me to leave, and when I left early one day because of studying for a test, one student said “but, I thought you could stay until 11, don’t leave yet! I want you to stay longer!” 

The little girls all want to be just like me – which by the way is a big task to carry on your shoulders. Being a woman whom little girls look up to as someone they aspire to be. Quite a few of the little boys are in love with me, two even said “When I grow up, I want to marry you!” The teachers love having me around to help with everything, and I thoroughly enjoy helping them. It’s that little happy feeling you get inside of you when a student says he doesn’t understand long division, and you help him, and he walks away feeling like he owns the world. Or the little girl who doesn’t understand the number places – billions, millions, thousands, and so forth – and you explain it and they look at you like you just explained the single most important thing in the world and they FINALLY understand it! 

It sounds funny, but I love every aspect of learning how to be a teacher, it’s rewarding and challenging at the same time, you’re building relationships & young minds. It’s a spectacular job to go into, and these next three years are going to be some of the best three years of my life. 


much love,



Finding yourself?

Everyone says this: “college is a time to find yourself. Have fun. Do stupid things. It will all make you a better person.” Okay, I’m sorry. . but am I the ONLY one who sees the stupidity in this statement? Does drinking and doing drugs and failing classes make you a better person? Up until I was told this, I thought stupid things ultimately made you MORE stupid. Well, now that my whole life has been a lie, I’m going to go be stupid. I’m going to educate myself. I’m going to go to college and receive that education I’m paying for, and work HARD. Because, obviously, that’s a stupid thing to do according to most people. I have goals in life, and those goals do not include getting drunk, strip dancing, or doing drugs. Excuse me for having morals. Have fun spending thousands of dollars on literally NOTHING.

Done with the ranting, sorry friends! Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ve done my share of stupid things, and college did help me find who I am. I learned quite a few things about myself:

I’m an introvert – but an outgoing one.

People stress me out.